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FSU researchers part of TESSERACT’s hunt for dark matter

For decades, people have been trying to directly detect dark matter: the missing mass in our universe. Now, research from […] The post FSU researchers part of TESSERACT’s hunt for dark matter appeared first on Florida State University News.
Sensitive detectors let TESSERACT search for dark matter in mass ranges no other experiment has explored. Roger K. Romani, University of Berkeley graduate student, works on the project in a cleanroom. (Marilyn Sargent/Berkeley Lab)

For decades, people have been trying to directly detect dark matter: the missing mass in our universe. Now, research from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering is making possible a new, super-sensitive detector — and even though it’s still in the research and development phase, it’s already been able to search for kinds of dark matter that other detectors can’t find.

Historically, most dark matter searches have hunted for two kinds of dark matter: ultra-light axions and heavier WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles). But the new TESSERACT experiment — which stands for Transition-Edge Sensors with Sub-EV Resolution And Cryogenic Targets — searches between these regimes, looking for low-mass dark matter about a hundred to a thousand times lighter than a WIMP.

“It’s a kind of Goldilocks dark matter,” said Dan McKinsey, the project director for TESSERACT and a researcher at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), which leads the experiment. “There’s this untested window that gives us an opportunity for discovery. Our detector has the sensitivity, even at this early stage, that allows us to look for dark matter candidates no one has been able to look for before.”

In a paper posted to the online repository arXiv, TESSERACT researchers presented their first dark matter results, finding no evidence of low-mass dark matter between masses of 44 MeV/c2 and 87 MeV/c2 (where MeV is millions of electronvolts). For comparison, the mass of a proton is slightly less than 1,000 MeV/c2, and the most recent results by LZ, the world’s best WIMP experiment, searched for dark matter down to 9,000 MeV/c2. This is the first time any experiment has searched for nuclear recoil signals from dark matter with mass below 87 MeV/c2.

If researchers were to find dark matter in this new region, they’d need a new explanation for how it interacts. For example, while WIMPs interact through the weak force, low-mass dark matter could indicate an undiscovered fifth fundamental force at play.

While many advanced dark matter experiments use huge volumes of detector material or giant magnets, TESSERACT’s power comes not from its size but its sensitivity. The new world-leading results came from carefully instrumented and shielded silicon chips that are one square centimeter, roughly a quarter of the size of a postcard stamp. These detectors were designed at UC Berkeley and fabricated at Texas A&M University.

TESSERACT uses transition-edge sensors, a type of superconducting detector, that operate at around 8 millikelvin (nearly negative 460 degrees Fahrenheit). Even a minuscule amount of heat — say, from a lightweight dark matter particle bumping into the chip and depositing some energy — can trip the sensor.

Wei Guo, professor and Department Graduate Director in  Mechanical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.
Wei Guo, professor and Department Graduate Director in Mechanical Engineering at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering.

Much of the effort in designing the specialized cryostat utilized in these dark matter searches was led by TESSERACT collaboration executive committee member Wei Guo in his cryogenics lab at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Guo, a faculty member at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, is renowned for his work in quantum engineering, cryogenic heat and mass transfer, and the study of quantum fluid dynamics in superfluid helium-4.

“I am proud of our cryogenics lab’s significant contribution to the Dark Matter search projects of the TESSERACT collaboration,” Guo said. “Led by Dr. Yinghe Qi, we have made remarkable progress in designing a specialized cryogenic system that ensures excellent radioactive background shielding while maintaining stable sensor cooling below 10 mK.”

Researchers have been conducting R&D since 2020 to increase the sensitivity and reduce (or account for) potential sources of noise that might hide a dark matter signal. That includes finding the right recipe for manufacturing the sensors and reducing background vibration and electromagnetic interference in the dilution refrigerator that houses the silicon chip. The detector’s small size is also an asset; less area means fewer background interactions.

“We’ve been working to make the sensors very consistent and high-fidelity at very low temperatures,” said Vetri Velan, a Chamberlain Fellow at Berkeley lab and co-lead of the analysis. “The lower the transition temperature of the sensor, the better the noise performance and the better the sensitivity to dark matter. So it’s all about how sensitive we can make these sensors.”

TESSERACT addresses a problem common to sensitive detectors: a persistent but unexplained source of excess noise at low energies, the same region where dark matter might lurk. The experiment’s approach to manufacturing and shielding the detectors has reduced that background rate 30-fold.

“The devices that we are running are so quiet compared to pretty much any other device that’s ever been run,” said Michael Williams, a Chamberlain Fellow at Berkeley Lab and co-lead of the analysis. “And there’s a really large overlap between the work we’re doing on these devices and other quantum material science. As we improve these transition-edge sensors for ourselves, we can use the same engineering to make better qubits and quantum computers.”

TESSERACT uses special transition-edge sensors, the thin strips visible on square silicon chips. (Marilyn Sargent/Berkeley Lab)
TESSERACT uses special transition-edge sensors, the thin strips visible on square silicon chips. (Marilyn Sargent/Berkeley Lab)

Most dark matter experiments are placed deep underground, using thousands of feet of rock to help block out particles from space that can interact in the detector. With this first detector prototype, TESSERACT has already explored new spaces for dark matter from what is essentially Earth’s surface: the sub-basement of UC Berkeley’s Birge Hall (not far from the site of John Clauser’s Nobel Prize-winning experiment on photon entanglement that set the stage for our current quantum revolution).

But to further improve the detectors’ sensitivity, researchers plan to install the full experiment beneath 1,700 meters (5,600 feet) of rock in the deepest underground laboratory in Europe: France’s Modane Underground Laboratory. Construction is slated to begin in 2025, with the experiment coming online around 2029 and searching for dark matter with masses as low as 10 MeV/c2. The experiment will grow from its current footprint, roughly as big as a phone booth, to a six-foot cube.

The heart of TESSERACT is its transition-edge sensors, but researchers are also developing additional detector modules that improve their odds of spotting dark matter. HeRALD (Helium Roton Apparatus for Light Dark matter) will be the first time that a dark matter experiment uses superfluid helium, and will incorporate TESSERACT’s silicon chips as the detector’s sensors. SPICE (Sub-ev Polar Interactions Cryogenic Experiment) will use single sapphire and gallium arsenide crystals. And the science teams in France will contribute a sensor made of silicon and germanium. The different modules will give researchers unique ways to search for dark matter and test various theories. Both projects will utilize the same cryostat system, designed under the leadership of Guo’s team.

The shielding surrounding the experiment is designed to come apart, making it possible for researchers to easily access TESSERACT’s components and switch things out in a few days. If HeRALD sees intriguing signs of dark matter, scientists can swap in SPICE and cross-check the result (or vice versa). In contrast, many advanced dark matter experiments are built like a ship in a bottle; it would take them months or years to open up and swap components, if it could be done at all.

Researchers are currently continuing to develop HeRALD and SPICE and testing new manufacturing processes to further improve the transition-edge sensors.

Improved detectors and a subterranean home will let the experiment search for lower mass particles and increase the chance of detecting ultra-rare dark matter interactions with regular matter.

“This result is the first indication that we can open up this new regime of low-mass dark matter to experimental testing,” McKinsey said. “It’s a lot of fun to have a small experiment running in the basement that can test new ideas for dark matter. This is really just the opening salvo for TESSERACT. We expect to have many more results over the next decade.

The TESSERACT collaboration also includes researchers at Argonne National Laboratory, Caltech, IJCLab (Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Iréne Joliot-Curie), IP2I (Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon), LPSC (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie), Texas A&M University, UC Berkeley, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the University of Zürich, and QUP (the International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles).

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