Civic Center Parking. ($10.00 fee per car) Parking at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center is available but limited. Plan to arrive early or use alternative parking areas as noted below.
Civic Center-Disabled Parking. Disabled parking is located in all lots surrounding the arena. A disabled parking permit is required for admittance to the disabled parking areas.
State Parking Lots. ($10.00 fee per car) You may park in the state parking lots, which can be accessed from W. Madison St., S. Bronough St., or Duval St. (after 5:00 p.m. on Friday and all day Saturday). Carefully consult the map, as these are all one-way streets.
Free Parking. Free parking is available on FSU's campus in the Westcott East lot and the College and Macomb lots (East and West). After 4:30 p.m. on Friday, the Diffenbaugh lot, the North Westcott lot, and the Law School lot are also available for free graduation parking.
Illegally parked cars may be towed or ticketed by city police